Our latest release, AppsAnywhere 3.1 is focused on keeping everyone across institutions informed and in control of their own experience to go to higher levels of efficiency!
What's new?
Pre-launch Dialogs
Engage and inform users with custom messages before launching applications. Control dialog suppression and deliver important information effortlessly.
User Portal Preferences
Allowing users to customize their experience by selecting themes, the number of apps displayed on the home screen, and ability to remember their preferred app collection (including a new default 'Apps' collection for new users).
Improved accessibility
Over 70 accessibility enhancements to ensure an inclusive experience for all users.
Dynamic content in the Admin dashboard
Stay informed with real-time updates and important announcements outside of product upgrades.
Bundled translations
Now supporting even more languages, including Welsh and Saudi Arabian Arabic.
Updated Virtual Appliance operating system
Now built on Rocky Linux 8 to ensure future stability.